Sucker Punch Producers
03/20/14 Release
Review by: Benjaman Knuckey
Rise of the shining Son
Sucker punch, a game company I have grown to know and love never cease to amaze me. I remember being ten years old in 2000 and loving a puzzle game on the Nintendo 64 called"Rocket: Robot on Wheels". Later on the PS2 in 2002 playing the "Sly Cooper: and the Thievius Raccoonus", which proved to the world Sucker Punch knew what it takes to make a Spectacular Action/Adventure/ Platforming game along with smart, silly, and cool; interesting characters and large worlds to boot! Sucker Punch went on to develop "Sly 2: Band of Thieves" in 2004 and "Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves" in 2005. All with high acclaim and on the PS2 console. After the three "Sly cooper" games and their success they handed the project over to the developers at Sanzaru games for "Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time" the 4th game installment to work on their daring next-gen project for the PS3, what we now know as inFAMOUS released in 2009! And a sequel "inFAMOUS 2". Taking their skills from the "Sly" series RPG and rooftop-action play style and expanding it all immensely.

"Second Son" takes place 7 years after "inFAMOUS" 1 and 2. The Department of Unified Protection is put into action to capture any remaining "conduits" that the D.U.P. is calling "Bio Terrorists" to scare the public.
inFAMOUS Second Son sets the scene with our hero (or villan) Delsin Rowe escaping trouble from his shenanigans in his grandmother Betty's shop backroom, then a convicted "conduit" named Hank barrels in knocking Delsin down; in the process transferring his smoke powers to Delsin. When hank the "conduit" tries to escape out the back he runs into the one and only head of the D.U.P. Brooke Augustine, with Delsin to follow. Hank gets away while Augustine questions Delsin about who he saw. Delsin shrugs off her authority with sarcasm. Augustine retaliates and proves her seriousness by using her conduit powers to shoot concrete into Betty's legs. Delsin now realizes he must obtain more power to stop Brooke Augustine and her D.U.P. to save Betty and possibly the city.
inFAMOUS: Second Son is a Zero load time, open-world Role Playing Game (RPG) where you can traverse the games world in just about any way imaginable. inFAMOUS is based on a "good" "Bad" karma system where your actions affect your outcome. Save a live, or take it sort of thing. There are typical RPG elements such as Main missions, Side missions, Collectibles, ETC.
Once after getting started you immediately see the beauty of the city and its characters and are introduced to Delsin and his brother. Cutscenes of current events look next-gen, while the back stories are told in a great grafitti comic-book art. Framing this beautiful artwork of a game you will see a great looking Heads Up Display (HUD). There is a health/energy bar made up of what power your wielding. Of course a map revealing objectives, DUP coverage, blast shards, ETC.. Finally a karma icon that changes along with your actions. This also switches over to your special attack meter when filled.
The new options menu consists of three tabs. One displays a full expandable map. The next has Desin's karmatic info, along with friends and "surveillance" photos that allow you to change vests. And a Power tab that has a unlock tree new to the inFAMOUS series.
Based in a re-imagined Seattle, Delsin must use parkour skills and powers to traverse the city. In Second Son compared to past inFAMOUS Delsin's grabbing and climbing are less magnetic, sticky, and spider-man like making Desin feel inexperienced, needing a bit more accuracy. Moving around using powers has its options. Neon for instance will get you anywhere and over any obstacle fast. While smoke allows you to launch up buildings air vents quick and high. Each side (good or bad) has an extravagant special move that is both visually spectacular and powerful, showing off what the game itself and Delsin have to offer.

Controls are very intuitive and easy to learn shooter style use of triggers. A bit different than before due to the PS4's DualShock 4 touch pad for power drain, saving a button combo.
inFAMOUS Second Sons graphics are amazing. The use of colors is magnificent! From Delsin to the sky, and from the lighting to you draining powers this game is a rave with glow sticks. Seattle looks photo realistic. Textures from the streets all the way to the rooftops look spectacular. While textures and reflection in the rain and puddles have never looked better. Character models look wonderful. I have never seen emotion and facial expressions like i see in Delsin before. You can definitely see the hard work and effort put into Second Son. Even down to Delsins's idle animation, his air drumming just has that little bit of personality that makes me love Delsin as a character.

-Amazing graphics
-Amazing Cast and Characters
-Thoroughly fun game-play
-Good Story
-No Guard/Block
-wish it was a bit longer
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